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Where science seeks to explain all things in terms of calculation and necessary law, Chesterton argues on behalf of the Christian doctrines of mystery and free will. Sanity, he says, belongs to the poet who accepts the romance and drama of these beliefs rather than to the logician who does not. This sanity is not static. It does not mean merely learning the right doctrines and then lapsing into a refined meditation on them. Chesterton dismisses such an inactive belief as “the greatest disaster of the nineteenth century.” For him, right thinking is a waste without right action.
Where science seeks to explain all things in terms of calculation and necessary law, Chesterton argues on behalf of the Christian doctrines of mystery and free will. Sanity, he says, belongs to the poet who accepts the romance and drama of these beliefs rather than to the logician who does not. This sanity is not static. It does not mean merely learning the right doctrines and then lapsing into a refined meditation on them. Chesterton dismisses such an inactive belief as “the greatest disaster of the nineteenth century.” For him, right thinking is a waste without right action.
Axess Kartlar
Taksit Sayısı Taksit tutarı Genel Toplam
Tek Çekim 15,00    15,00   
2 7,80    15,60   
3 5,30    15,90   
6 2,70    16,20   
9 1,83    16,50   
Bonus Kartlar
Taksit Sayısı Taksit tutarı Genel Toplam
Tek Çekim 15,00    15,00   
2 7,80    15,60   
3 5,30    15,90   
6 2,70    16,20   
9 1,83    16,50   
Paraf Kartlar
Taksit Sayısı Taksit tutarı Genel Toplam
Tek Çekim 15,00    15,00   
2 7,80    15,60   
3 5,30    15,90   
6 2,70    16,20   
9 1,83    16,50   
Maximum Kartlar
Taksit Sayısı Taksit tutarı Genel Toplam
Tek Çekim 15,00    15,00   
2 7,80    15,60   
3 5,30    15,90   
6 2,70    16,20   
9 1,83    16,50   
World Kartlar
Taksit Sayısı Taksit tutarı Genel Toplam
Tek Çekim 15,00    15,00   
2 7,80    15,60   
3 5,30    15,90   
6 2,70    16,20   
9 1,83    16,50   
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