What Ive Seen What Ive Experienced

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What Ive Seen What Ive Experienced
What Ive Seen What Ive Experienced
First published in Turkish under the title "Gördüklerim Yaşadıklarım". From the back cover text written by Prof. Heath W. Lowry: "Jak Kamhi's memoir offers one a candid glimpse into the private life and times of a man whose career and achievements have not just been limited to the business world, but have likewise spanned the fields of public diplomacy and international relations. Indeed, it is no exaggeration to state that Jak Bey has been a key player in the shaping and implementation of Turkish foreign policy and international relations throughout most of the past half century. He has served, and continues to serve, as one of his country's foremost champions in the international arena. His contributions to Turkish-American, Turkish-French, Turkish-EU and Turkish-Israeli relations speak volumes for themselves. To those who know him well, among whom I am honored to count myself, the revelations contained in ‘What I've Seen, What I've Experienced' will come as no surprise. The portrait which emerges from their pages is one of a loving son, husband and father, a successful innovator and entrepreneur in the business world, a dedicated native son of Turkey who has given generously of his time and fortune on behalf of the interests of his beloved homeland. The story that unfolds in his memoir is first and foremost a human one. Marked by highs and lows as all such human sagas, its resounding message is one of dedication and perseverance. Indeed, as these memoirs were about to go to press, Jak's world (and those of all his family and friends) was shaken by the tragic death of his firstborn son, Hayati. The day after the funeral Jak Bey was in his Profilo office rewriting those sections of his memoir referring to his son."
First published in Turkish under the title "Gördüklerim Yaşadıklarım". From the back cover text written by Prof. Heath W. Lowry: "Jak Kamhi's memoir offers one a candid glimpse into the private life and times of a man whose career and achievements have not just been limited to the business world, but have likewise spanned the fields of public diplomacy and international relations. Indeed, it is no exaggeration to state that Jak Bey has been a key player in the shaping and implementation of Turkish foreign policy and international relations throughout most of the past half century. He has served, and continues to serve, as one of his country's foremost champions in the international arena. His contributions to Turkish-American, Turkish-French, Turkish-EU and Turkish-Israeli relations speak volumes for themselves. To those who know him well, among whom I am honored to count myself, the revelations contained in ‘What I've Seen, What I've Experienced' will come as no surprise. The portrait which emerges from their pages is one of a loving son, husband and father, a successful innovator and entrepreneur in the business world, a dedicated native son of Turkey who has given generously of his time and fortune on behalf of the interests of his beloved homeland. The story that unfolds in his memoir is first and foremost a human one. Marked by highs and lows as all such human sagas, its resounding message is one of dedication and perseverance. Indeed, as these memoirs were about to go to press, Jak's world (and those of all his family and friends) was shaken by the tragic death of his firstborn son, Hayati. The day after the funeral Jak Bey was in his Profilo office rewriting those sections of his memoir referring to his son."
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